Conectores en inglés!

Conectores en inglés!

Con esta clasificación podrás armar frases e ideas más extensas

En muchas de nuestras conversaciones diarias, necesitamos explicar las cosas.
Quizás llegaste tarde a la escuela y le explicas a tu maestro que es porque tu auto se quedó sin gasolina.
O la razón por la que quieres comprar bombones es que quieres sorprender a tu madre en su cumpleaños.
Explicar las cosas será mucho más fácil si incluyes estos importantes conectores en inglés.
¡Echemos un vistazo a ellos!

1. Because

The word “because” is used in both casual and formal contexts. You’ll definitely hear this word be used in both writing and speaking! In fact, “because” might just be one of the most common English connectors out there.
Sheila was late for school because her car ran out of gas.
I’m hungry because I didn’t eat breakfast.

2. Due to

The phrase “due to” is used most commonly in writing or formal situations. For example, you’re more likely to say “due to” when sending your boss an email than when speaking to your best friend.
Unlike “because,” the connector “due to” is most commonly placed at the beginning of sentences rather than in the middle.
Due to Jack’s sickness, he missed two weeks of work.
Due to our budget, we can’t go on vacation this year.

3. As a Result

This English connector can be used in all kinds of situations! It can be casual or formal and is commonly used in both writing and conversations.
Use this phrase when you want to explain what caused something.

For example:

As a result of her bad behavior, she wasn’t allowed to go to the party.
We didn’t sell many products last month. As a result, our profit was less than normal.

4. Therefore

The connector “therefore” is typically used in writing, and mostly in a formal context. It’s often used at the end or beginning of new paragraphs to explain what the outcome or conclusion is.
Apples are red and bananas are yellow. Therefore, they aren’t the same.
Julia tries a new recipe every day. Therefore, she’s had lots of practice cooking.

5. Thus

Similar to “therefore,” “thus” is also used in writing, either in the ending or beginning of new paragraphs.
Learning a new language takes time. Thus, you have to be consistent.
Bob was extremely good at baseball in high school. Thus, he continued to play in college.

6. Consequently

“Consequently” is typically used in writing, usually in a formal context.
Ben didn’t study for his exam. Consequently, he received a bad grade.
Anna has only cooked once in her life. Consequently, she’s very bad at it.
English Connectors for Giving Examples
Giving examples helps us prove our point and can sometimes convince other people to believe us. Examples help people understand what you’re trying to say and can help them see why you believe what you believe.

In other words, by giving examples to support your opinion, you prove your point better.

7. For Instance; For Example

Both of these phrases are used in everyday conversations and in writing. In fact, they’re probably the most popular way to give examples in both formal and casual situations!
English is one of the most-spoken languages in the world. For example, there are over 1.27 billion English speakers as of 2019.
Learning grammar is hard sometimes. For instance, I spent four hours trying to learn how to use the conditional.

8. Such as; Like

The English connectors “such as” and “like” are both used very often in writing and casual conversations. Unlike the previous two phrases, these two can also be used to list things.
If you learn English, there are many career options open to you, such as teaching, journalism, advertising and so on.
My father loves Italian food, like pizza, pasta and ravioli.

9. As an example

This phrase is very similar to “for example,” but is more commonly found in writing.
He’s a dangerous criminal. As an example, he killed six women before being tracked down by the police.
English Connectors for Stating Facts and Opinions
Sometimes we feel strongly about a topic or we need to share important information with someone. In these cases, we need to use connectors to make it clear that we’re expressing a fact or an opinion.

10. Actually

The word “actually” is used quite often. As an English connector, you can use it in the beginning, middle or even the end of your sentences! Plus, you can use this connector in casual, formal, writing and conversational situations.
Actually, I think learning English was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
Using English connectors isn’t new. Actually, it’s more common than you think.

11. As a matter of fact

12. In Fact

13. Most Importantly

14. Especially

15. Most Notably

16. Of particular significance

17. Similarly

18. (In) the Same Way/Manner

19. Additionally/Moreover

20. As well as

21. Likewise

22. Whereas

23. Although/Even Though

24. However

25. On the Other Hand

26. In Spite of

27. Despite

28. On the Contrary

29. Firstly… Secondly…

30. First of All

31. In the First/Second Place

32. Lastly

33. Finally

34. In Conclusion

35. To Summarize

36. To Sum up

37. All in All

This phrase is used in conversations as well as in writing, but mostly in a casual way.
All in all, organizing a surprise birthday party for Josh was certainly worth it.

Now that you know the most commonly-used English connectors, you can use them in sentences and paragraphs with great confidence. Try your hand at some of the exercises I’ve suggested for practice.
So what are you waiting for?
Get out there and start incorporating these useful English connectors in your everyday life!

Fecha Publicacion: 2019-11-03

Fuente: Youtube

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